Category: Divorce and Money

How Should Retirement Assets be Valued in Divorce?

Many a highly trained family law attorney will “tax affect” retirement accounts by using the after tax value of a retirement account on a couple’s inventory of assets.  As a divorcing man or woman you need to know that this method of valuation is more of a negotiation tactic then economics.  Left unchecked, the spouse receiving more of the … Continue reading How Should Retirement Assets be Valued in Divorce?

Marriage, Financial Planning, and Your 401(k) Rollover

My Today’s Alerts series highlights ideas generated in my divorce financial advisory practice. Kate* called to let me know that she’d decided to leave her company, AFD, Inc., to pay attention to her start-up business full time. She wanted to make a clean break so she planned to add the 401(k) to her existing IRA right … Continue reading Marriage, Financial Planning, and Your 401(k) Rollover

The Most Important Part of the Tax Return

My Today’s Alerts series highlights ideas generated in my divorce financial advisory practice. When I look at a tax return I’m generally looking for previously unidentified income streams, accounts, businesses, and property.  One thing I don’t want you to miss is found in the taxes and refunds section. Refunds can be applied to taxes next year. In divorce, this is … Continue reading The Most Important Part of the Tax Return

Hidden Cash Found! Dividing Assets in Divorce

My Today’s Alerts series highlights ideas generated in my divorce financial advisory practice. For many divorcing couples, cash is tied up in their home or retirement plans.  But couples need available cash to start their lives over again. What can couples do? As always, consult your attorney as to whether you are able to sell assets or … Continue reading Hidden Cash Found! Dividing Assets in Divorce