Category: Financial Planning
Social Security and Divorce
January 6, 2022 – The first thing to know about social security payments in retirement is that your divorce terms do not determine how much social security you’ll get FROM SOCIAL SECURITY e.g. the government program that is social security. Here are the two general rules for social security: If you were married for 10 … Continue reading Social Security and Divorce
In Divorce, Nearly Missed Opportunity – The Mortgage Payment
An attorney called me concerned that her client, Jill*, would not be able to afford to keep the family home after divorce. Jill wanted to keep that home but the attorney believed her budget couldn’t tolerate the payment. Jill insisted that she could figure out a way to make it work on her salary as … Continue reading In Divorce, Nearly Missed Opportunity – The Mortgage Payment
Deferred Maintenance on the Primary Home or other Real Estate in Divorce
A post divorce prospective client, Linda*, called me last week. She signed her divorce decree over a year earlier and is now trying to divide property and accounts. Linda was awarded the home and previously unidentified expenses have come up. She may have to sell the home as is, at a reduced value. Likely proceeds … Continue reading Deferred Maintenance on the Primary Home or other Real Estate in Divorce
Inherited IRAs in Divorce
Inherited IRAs could be mistaken for traditional IRAs in divorce. The consequence can be dramatic and costly. An Inherited IRA could inadvertently be treated as a traditional IRA, included as a community asset and divided in the decree – mistakes that could cost the beneficiary of the Inherited IRA thousands in both the amount included … Continue reading Inherited IRAs in Divorce
Converting Rental to Primary Property in Divorce
When couples own a primary residence and rental properties one idea for asset division is for one spouse to stay in the primary residence and for the other to move to one of the couples’ rental homes. While this is convenient, the tax costs should be considered when valuing the properties. Section 121 IRS rules … Continue reading Converting Rental to Primary Property in Divorce