Category: Divorce and Real Estate

A House Divided: Your Home in Divorce

For most couples, the family residence is one of their largest assets.  In divorce, the family home is treated like any other asset, but it is an asset unlike any other. The family home isn’t easily divided. Budgetary concerns and tax issues coupled with emotional ties to the home can lead to catastrophic financial outcomes. … Continue reading A House Divided: Your Home in Divorce

Your Divorce: Six Essential Elements to a Smart Property Division

Identify Assets and Liabilities Gather the latest statements for your assets (investments, property, business interests) and liabilities (mortgages, credit card debt, auto loans, etc.).  Divorce Planning of Austin uses these statements to prepare an initial list of property to be divided. Collect tax documents for at least the past three years. Reviewing tax returns helps uncover … Continue reading Your Divorce: Six Essential Elements to a Smart Property Division