A Team Approach Makes Divorce MORE Affordable


My Today’s Alerts series highlights ideas generated in my divorce financial advisory practice.

  1. Adding expertise saves real money.

I recently met with an attorney who told me he spent four hours on the internet trying to understand a client’s pension and retirement accounts.   I wasn’t surprised.  This attorney is thoughtful and thorough, but I couldn’t help but to think that the client paid for four hours of work that a financial analyst could complete in one or two hours.

Investments, retirement accounts and even parenting issues are more complex than ever.  Shouldn’t you reach out to someone with expertise in those areas?  Is there something financial a legal expert might have missed that will cost you in the long run?

Build a divorce team with legal, financial, parenting and therapeutic expertise.

2.   Analyzing taxes saves real money.

A financial analyst can project what your financial life will look like beyond divorce.   He or she can provide options to reduce your tax burden in the short and long term. More importantly, an analyst can even help the couple to divide assets in a way that reduces the tax burden they had as a couple especially if one spouse will be in a much lower tax bracket after divorce.

Use a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst or CPA to help you assess taxes.

Need more ideas, contact me at pam.friedman@rscapital.com

Robertson Stephens Wealth Management and Divorce Planning of Austin work with clients and their attorneys to help insure that financial accounts are divided in the most efficient manner possible.

Investment advisory services offered through Robertson Stephens Wealth Management, LLC (“Robertson Stephens”), an SEC-registered investment advisor. This material is for general informational purposes only and is not tailored to the needs of any specific individual.  Any discussion of U.S. tax matters should not be construed as tax-related advice. Please consult your personal tax advisor for more information. © 2020 Robertson Stephens Wealth Management, LLC. All rights reserved. Robertson Stephens is a registered trademark of Robertson Stephens Wealth Management, LLC in the United States and elsewhere.

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